Meet the Bald's: Leben

Name: Leben

Threat Level: Tuesday

D.O.B: 3/5/10,000,050

Height: 7ft

Weight: 1 ton

Occupation: Killer robot

Quirk: Cybernetic amalgamation

Status: Alive

Leben is an immensely powerful cyborg. he was created as a mix of Bald Leon's and Bald Ben's DNA, a clone of the pair mixed with highly advanced robots, and an office chair for a pair of legs. 

Violin man hired a scientist to create the ultimate Bald to be used as a weapon to fight the Balds. ultimately, the experiment failed as it created an intelligent and destructive upper body, and now lower half, so the scientist was forced to strap Leben onto the nearest office chair and hope for the best. 

Leben only travels where the wind takes him (literally), or wherever he is pushed, as he is not connected to his "legs" merely placed on top of them. He is resistant to almost all types of damage that could be inflicted upon him, fire, radiation, psychic and kinetic attacks all have absolutely no effect. His only weakness is water or sand getting stuck between his gears or office chair wheels. 

He can shoot lasers out of his eyes, fire missiles from a hidden compartment, easily bend steel, emit a high-pitched noise that can burst eardrums, and can instantly make Sunday night happen at anytime he chooses.

There are multiple versions of the Leben android, as it upgrades itself when possible. below is pictured the face of LebenV2.013, a version of Leben that upgraded its firmware and armaments, as well as its office chair to feature caster wheels instead of standard rolling wheels.

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