Meet the Bald's: Bald Leon

Name: Bald Leon

Threat Level: Tuesday

Age: at least 5000

Height: 7 feet

Weight: 5 tons (densely packed muscles, giving him a lanky appearance)

Occupation: varies, usually student

Quirk: Massively intelligent

Status: Alive

Bald Leon is the son of "The Master" (commonly mistaken as God, but the master is more powerful). He was born in "Caveman times" and arrived in the modern-day after he was pushed into the river Mersey by his mate Ugg Bug, over a petty argument after Bald Leon had begun to tell a joke, giving Bald Leon the world record for the longest set up for a joke (approx 15000 years).

He arrives in the modern-day after later being recovered in a block of ice, with his body being perfectly preserved in his signature 3 piece suit and glasses. When he is released from the ice he realizes he needs to get a job to earn money and because of his vast intelligence, he decides to become a teacher but to be qualified for the position he needs GCSEs.

He signs up to a local high school where he meets Bald Ben, during their first meeting they stare each other down in the hallway as they are the only year 7 students who look over 40, and after a brief misunderstanding, they start talking and become friends.

Bald Leon's main goal is to become a teacher and defeat Violin Man, he has a keen interest in inventing machines, and he has a face most people trust, despite him being completely untrustworthy.


Bald Leon Video

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