Meet the Bald's: Violin Man

Name: Violin Man

Threat Level: Tuesday

D.O.B: 17/6/10,000,001

Height: 6ft 5in

Weight: 14 stone

Occupation: Musician from the future

Quirk: magic violin

Status: Alive

Violin Man is a time-travelling warrior from the year 10,000,000. He came back to the present day in an effort to change his future by killing Bald Leon and Bald Ben, however, the power he was given to allow him to travel through time and be strong enough to battle the Bald's, twisted his mind to the point of insanity, meaning he is now hell-bent on killing the Balds at all costs.

He dresses like a modern-day goth/punk/rocker. clad mostly in leather, paired with Ozzy Osbourne circular sunglasses, and a Violin from the future that uses a combination of technology and magic to become a lethal weapon.

The Violin functions like a normal modern-day Violin, but if played proficiently enough and in the right way, the Violin can conduct energy through its strings, that can be contained within the body, and then channelled back through the bridge and fired through the scroll at the end. As well as being from the future and having this technology, Violin Man is also just very talented with the instrument, meaning he has developed new techniques and methods of using his custom Violin which he carved himself with a knife (Not pictured) to deliver not only deadly blasts of energy but a variety of other spells and attacks with a variety of effects.

Since coming to our time, Violin Man has had multiple run-ins with The Balds, but during his downtime, he enjoys practising his instrument and busking for money to put towards his projects.

Rare footage of Violin Man busking for cash to put towards his evil schemes:

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