Meet the Bald's: Slider Johnson

Name: Slider Johnson

Threat Level: Wednesday

D.O.B: 29/2/2000

Height: 5'9

Weight:11.5 stone

Occupation: Roadman

Quirk: Slides around

Status: Alive

Slider Johnson is a man who the Balds discovered guarding a bridge in the middle of the forest while Bald Leon was making his way to London on a quest to kill Julian Alatosh. No one is truly sure why Slider guards the bridge like a troll, as no one has asked him too and he seems unsure himself. when they meet him he goes into a musical number about the bridge and his job and afterwards he chooses to go with the balds on their merry way to London. 

He has no formal combat training, so usually uses roadman fighting tactics, and he does have some weird abilities such as the ability to instantly calm any enemy by hugging them while they attempt to fight him, and he can slide around rather than walk as if the floor under him was made of ice and his feet had no grip.

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