Name: DankToasters (AKA WankToasters)
Threat Level: Literally none he's dead, not even on the scale mate
D.O.B: 23/11/1963
Height: 1 inch (flattened)
Weight: 110 lbs
Occupation: Multiversal Credit collector
Quirk: Always Learns from his mistakes
Status: DeadDanktoasters was a twitch streamer and a member of the Couch Boys group. Dank was fortunately ran over by a steam roller, and luckily as he always learned from his mistakes, so he learned that being run over by a steam roller was bad. Danktoasters was a massive fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and a collector of Funko Pop Figures, having collected every one of the Marvel figurines, costing him thousands of pounds.
This wouldn't have been of note, however Danktoasters didn't have a job and was the first person to be a recipient of Multiversal Credit. He discovered a crack in between dimensions at the bottom of his parents garden. When he passed through it, he was able to access many dimensions, and with this immense power he decided to enroll for universal credit at each of the universes with identical currency to his home universe. This has allowed Danktoasters to amass a lot of money, being considered a billionaire. Through his philanthropy Danktoasters had managed to amass a large portfolio of business assets including many defense companies and a few shares in Alatosh industries. Ironically with his share of Alatosh industries he had been given control over a few low level Research and Development projects and he had shut down a project that would have developed a flak vest that had been modified to be steam roller proof. Had he have allowed the continued development on this project, he may have been spared when he was ran over by a steam roller.
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