Meet the Bald's: Left Man and Right Man (AKA The Bannister Brothers)

Name: Left Man and Right Man (AKA The Bannister Brothers)

Threat Level: Wednesday

D.O.B: 4/11/1998

Height: 5ft 6inch

Weight: 12 stone

Occupation: Criminals

Quirk: Identical Paternal Twins

Status: Alive

Left Man and Right Man, also known as the Bannister Brothers are a pair of paternal male twins. Strangely, despite being paternal twins they are genetically and visibly identical, a ridiculously outrageous mathematical improbability. Left Man and Right Man both work in organised crime as the henchman for notorious crime lord Quentin Russo.

Many years ago the Bannister Brothers were involved in an accident in which they got stuck in some bannisters. As there was an active warrant for their arrest at the time, they could not call for the fire brigade to help free them, or go to the hospital to have the bannisters removed fully, so they now permanently where the bannisters as a fashion statement. They pair the bannister with a cashmere balaclava and an absolutely drippy fit.

The pair mainly operate the drug trade aspect of Quentin Russo's crime empire, but they also regularly lend their talents as enforcers, providing muscle when and where it is needed to put pressure on people that Russo deems necessary.

Left Man and Right Man have been accused of several egregious crimes. The list includes and is not limited to; Murder, Burglary, Embezzlement, Tax evasion, Suspiciously brandishing a salmon, Drug trafficking, Lingering after a funeral, Money laundering, Racketeering, Conspiracy, Serial theft, Grand theft larceny, Grand theft auto, Assault, Mass vandalism, Firing a cannon within 300 yards of a private dwelling, Child abandonment, Terrorism, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping, Extortion, Animal cruelty, Forgery, Stalking, Breaking and Entering, Gambling within a public library, Mass Brainwashing, Incrimination, Sabotage, Treason, Hanging laundry across a street, Property damage, Importing potatoes from Poland, Blackmail, Impersonation, Being inebriated on licensed premises, and carrying a plank of wood within the metropolitan police district.

please follow for more alerts and the next chapter in the balds story


  1. imagine using stones instead of my superior pebble base measurement 🤓


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