Meet the Bald’s: The Scrapper

Name: The Scrapper

Threat Level: Wednesday

D.O.B: 30/1/1997

Height: 5ft 3inch

Weight: 179 pounds

Occupation: Boxer

Quirk: Compulsive urge to fight any who challenges him

Status: Alive

The Scrapper (Real Name: Anthony Horwood) is an enforcer working for Quentin Russo, as well as a formidable boxer, who works in Russo's underground fight club for money. He has had over 50 fights and only lost 3, all of which were early in his fighting career. While acting as an enforcer, he dons his ill-fitting, armoured cricket helmet as seen in the image above, which he believes prevents him from sustaining an injury, but in fact, his skull is simply too thick for most blows to cause any harm to him.

He is currently wanted by the police for the various actions he has conducted as a part of the Russo family organised crime ring. He has been imprisoned once before, but this was before he fell into organised crime, in fact, it was in prison that he learned to fight and joined the crime family. Upon his release he broke the law almost immediately, stealing a car and hiding from his parole officer.

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