Name: Cameraman Joe
Threat Level: Thursday
D.O.B: 14/4/1993
Height: 5ft 7inch
Weight: 196 stone
Occupation: Cameraman
Quirk: Films everything
Status: Alive
Cameraman Joe is the cameraman of almost every YouTuber around the world. No one is entirely sure how he is able to get around the world almost instantaneously, but curiously, no one seems to question it either. He has filmed every video on YouTube that has been filmed by someone other than the channel owner, including channels such as Jack Lad, Mr Beast, The Skengman, Pewdiepie and IBAISAIC. He acted as a cameraman for The Skengman in the famed video "The Asda Safari", in which he seized his chance at a speaking role by answering one of the Skengman's questions, which had intended to be rhetorical for the audience.
In recent years, cameraman Joe has offered his services to the film industry, and he is slowly beginning to expand his filming influence into that field. It is rumoured he is the sole cameraman in the upcoming Christopher Nolan movie, Oppenheimer.
He do be filming though