Meet the Bald's: The Cosmic Judge

Name: The Cosmic Judge

Threat Level: Monday

D.O.B: During the last universe

Height: 2000ft (estimated and known to vary based on the being's will)

Weight: immeasurable

Occupation: Judge

Quirk: Omniscience

Status: Alive

The Cosmic Judge is a being which exists in the void deep within the inner core of the universe. It has existed since before this universe, during a time in which we have no record. It existed in the old universe which was destroyed by The Master to create our current reality, and in that prior universe, at a time when The Master had not yet created himself and was nothing more than a speck in the void, the Cosmic Judge was somewhere in deep space, fully formed and as powerful as it is now. 

The being is less a thing that exists, and more the physical manifestation of right and wrong, an objective truth. It also does not see things in black and white, an immensely intelligent creature that utilises this knowledge to dispense its judgement. It has an innate ability to see souls, meaning that each person presented before it can be judged based on their actions, intentions and history. It is prophecised that an individual who is true of heart with good intentions could submit before the being and would gain anything and everything that they desired. However, due to the nature of seeking out this treasure, even the truest of hearts are judged unworthy as they have only sought the cosmic judge out for personal gain.

The punishments dealt by the Cosmic Judge vary greatly based on how a person has been judged. as discussed above, someone pure of heart who had sought the Cosmic Judge for personal gains would be judged unworthy, and as such would be sent away from the Judge, usually instantly moved across space to a place that they consider home. If an "evil" individual were to seek out the judge with good intention, they would be punished in a variety of ways, such as being sent back to their homeworld to whatever that planet has that by Earth standards would be considered a Police force so that they can be punished based off of their crimes, with the being even providing evidence when required.

In the rare occurrences where someone considered Evil approaches the Cosmic Judge with poor intentions, the Judge takes care of the punishment personally, vaporising the opposing force from reality itself with its immense power. There has yet to be a creature with the power to match the Cosmic Judge's cosmic power, but if there were to be one strong enough, the Judge would instead move onto using one of its other forms of attack, such as its physical strength or using holy light which it is able to generate, "curing" the enemy of Evil.

The Cosmic Judge is able to change its form to appear less menacing to those pure of heart. To Earthlings, it appears as a humanoid creature with golden armour points on top of a blue undersuit within which can be seen cosmic energy, which looks like the universe itself. The appearance is complete with a red flowing cape which is embezzled with more golden armour pieces around the neck and shoulders, the head appears as a ball of blue light, which can "solidify" into a golden sphere when the Judge enters "battle mode".

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