Name: Damien Yetarian
Threat Level: Friday
D.O.B: 15/6/1973
Height: 5ft 1/2 inch
Weight: 276 poundsOccupation: Meth cook
Quirk: Sooth sayer
Status: Alive
Damien Yetarian is a "farmer" in the midwest of the United States of America. He is what would be described as a "hill billy" or a "redneck" or "white trash". Officially, he farms wheat and barley from his fields, but in actuality, his "crop" is crystal meth of which he produces a metric ton per year, half of which he sells, and the other half is for his own personal consumption. The fact that he is still alive is what makes him viable as a potential bald, with scientists at the Agency believing this to be his "bald" ability, the ability to consume copious amounts of crystal meth without dying.
In the production of the crystal meth, he ingests what should be a lethal amount of fumes, but all it does is create strange behaviours in him, as well as giving him what he believes to be visions, but none of these supposed prophecies have come true. These visions have led him to believe there is an impending doomsday event, which he calls "baldageddon". He also sometimes refers to it as "the apocolyph" but his descriptions of each of these events are widely different, leading researchers to believe that these may in fact be two seperate events which he has foretold, but due to the unreliability and unproveness of his visions, both of these events may be false.
As more than one of his visions pertains to the impending end of the world, Damien has become incredibly paranoid, and has become a "doomsday prepper", however he isn't a very good one. For his long term food supplies, he hoards packets of tomato ketchup from fast food restaurants such as mcdonalds, not realising that they expire relatively quickly, with several hundreds of the packets he has already stored being completly rotten. He also has an excessive amount of guns, like most Americans. the weapons he allegedly has for "self defense" include several high powered automatic rifles, 2 mounted machine guns, a rocket launcher with multiple rockets, and more hand guns than his local police force.
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