Meet the Chef's: Chef Jack

Name: Chef Jack

Threat Level: Thursday

D.O.B: 15/7/2001

Height: 5ft 9in

Weight: 10 Stone

Occupation: Chef

Quirk: Angry as fuck

Status: Alive

Chef Jack is a line cook who by sheer chance happens to exist in both the CCU and The Baldsverse, he has severe and significant anger management issues. He has killed 17 kitchen Porters with his bare hands for not clearing the pass quick enough and regularly throws whatever he has in his hands at people who piss him off, both staff and customers.

He owns his own restaurant which he managed to open after saving up enough pennies from several decades of being a kitchen porter himself, not spending any of his earnings on essentials such as food and drink, as he ate and drank for free in the pub he worked in, and never having to pay any rent as he hid inside of the cellar each night instead.

Chef Jack once held seven Michelin stars, however, these were revoked after it was revealed that at the time, his entire menu was made up of frozen microwave meals. Out of pure anger at the fact his stars had been stolen, he blew up a Michelin tyre factory to send them a message. after this, three of the stars were reinstated as a compromise.

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