Meet the Bald's: Jack O TV HD

Name: Jack O TV HD

Threat Level: Wednesday

D.O.B: 1/21/1992

Height: 5ft 2 manlet

Weight: hefty

Occupation: YouTuber

Quirk: Boxer

Status: Alive

Jack O TV HD was an imitating charlatan of the original Jack O TV. He came to fame during the heights of Jack O TV's power and attempted to seize it for himself. He challenged Jack O TV to a boxing match, which he accepted.

Jack O TV HD battled the original Jack O TV in the boxing ring for three long rounds, but eventually, the original was victorious. Jack O TV feared that other imitators may attempt to "come for him" and he was right when Jack O TV 240p rose, so Jack O TV made the decision to disappear. shortly after this Jack O TV HD also faded from the public eye, as he no longer had a more successful counterpart to imitate, and so Jack O TV HD was lost to time.

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