Meet the Bald's: Michael Gaye (Dr Gay)

Name: Michael Gaye (Dr Gay)

Threat Level: Thursday

D.O.B: 6/9/1967

Height: 4ft 11in

Weight: 1 

Occupation: Student and Doctor

Quirk: working for his Btec

Status: Alive

Dr Michael Gay was a disgraced medical professional who used the power granted to him with his medical license to commit horrendous crimes. After his first wave of crimes, he was forced to go into hiding and change his name to Michael Gaye. Six weeks later he was bored and realised he needed to get his medical license back, so he headed to port college to get his Btec in medicine.

Dr Gay used his Btec in medicine to conduct his evil deeds in an attempt to take over the world, and has teamed up with many villains such as Violin Man

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