Name: The Cellar Man
Threat Level: Monday
D.O.B: unknown
Height: 7ft
Weight: unknownThe Cellar Man is an entity residing inside the kitchen of a popular hotel. No one has ever seen his face and survived. His purpose is to supply the restaurant above with alcoholic beverages, which he illegally moonshine within the cellar. He can be summoned within the kitchen by ringing the bell marked "ring for cellar man", however, it is advisable not to bother the cellar man, or you will never be seen again.
When you ring the bell to summon the cellar man, there will be a small pause before the bell rings for a second time, at which point the cellar man has indicated that it is safe to open the cellar door. Upon opening it you will find a case of alcoholic bottles manufactured by the cellar man, and mysteriously he will create the exact drinks that diners that evening will desire. Despite these bottles being essentially a counterfeit of real wine, beers and other drinks, they are entirely indistinguishable down to the packaging and chemical composition, from the brand they are impersonating.
on one occasion the hotel was investigated by trading standards after they were tipped off by a brewery who found their products for sale despite not having a contract with the hotel. The men who were sent to investigate could find nothing amiss in the kitchen itself, and demanded to investigate the cellar. Despite the argument by the head chef, they insisted on investigating. their screams could be heard from the cellar below, never reaching the dining room. The men were never seen or heard from again after there silence fell.
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