Game Concept: The Balds: Ultimate Custom Night

We are creating a second balds game based off of the concept of the highly popular "Five Nights at Freddy's: Ultimate Custom Night" Game.

The game would consist of you playing as Cecil Cecil, working as a security guard in a local Tesco. He has to prevent all of the characters from shoplifting. The characters however are dedicated to shoplifting from Tesco and will go as far as killing Cecil to achieve their goal.

Characters included in this poster (in order):
Bald Leon
Bald Ben
Bald Ollie
Bald Jack
The Master
The Skengman
Jack O TV HD
Jack O TV 240p
Bald Noel
American Bald Ben
Jack Lad
The Vacuumist
The Smelter
Bush Man
Powerade Man
Comrade Cyka
Cowboy Leon
Dog Lead Man
Dog Having Man
Evil Bald Jack
Slider Johnson
Mark Jackson
Fam Sordy
Violin Man
Henry Davis
Julian Alatosh
Rahabbi Alatosh
Michael Davidson
Bald Mara
Gay Bald Ben
Gay Bald Leon
Society Man
Ugg Bugg
Mexican Bald Leon
Mexican Bald Ben
Vlad the Burner
Michael Gaye
Quentin Russo
Politician Jack
Distorted Icebox Leon
Icebox Leon
Bald Josef (The Irishman)
Long Neck Jack
Kpop Leon
The Creator

please follow for more alerts and the next chapter in the balds story
