Meet the Bald's: Jack O TV 240p

Name: Jack O TV 240p

Threat Level: Thursday

D.O.B: unknown 

Height: unknown

Weight: unknown

Occupation: YouTuber

Quirk: Different Resolution

Status: Dead

Jack O TV 240p is the brother of the original Jack O TV. He exists in a fractal splinter from another reality. This fractal splinter is attached to his very form and fits his shape, and the fractal splinter field also stretches and manipulates to fit Jack O TV 240p's form to include any clothes he wears, and if he gains or loses weight, which explains why clothes from the normal reality also fit in with how he looks. The reason he looks as if he is constantly in a 240p resolution is due to the fact that the reality his fractal splinter originates from was rendered at a lower definition and framerate to the normal reality.

When Jack O TV was impaled by Jack O TV HD, Jack O TV 240p disappeared shortly afterwards. The public is unsure as to whether this is because Jack O TV 240p was also killed in the boxing match, or if the shock of losing his brother and the fear that followed forced him into hiding, however in actuality, he was apprehended by the Agency and held captive for several years, and died in an attempted prison break in which he did not even escape from the headquarters.

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