Meet the Bald's: Gay Bald Ben

Name: Gay Bald Ben

Threat Level: Friday

D.O.B: 30/3/1976

Height: 4ft 6inch

Weight: 300 pounds

Occupation: Electrician

Quirk: Gay

Status: No longer exists

Unlike many of the Bald Variants on this site, this specific derivative is actually a future version of the original, but he is so different from the source character that he deserves his own article. Gay Bald Ben is the result of Bald Ben being targeted with the gay pebble. The Gay Pebble has the ability to turn anything it is targeted at into that target's perception of gay. For people who are more politically correct, this pebble has next to no effect, but for someone as disgustingly offensive as Bald Ben, the pebble worked to nearly its full effect. The Pebble turned Bald Ben into what he perceived to be a gay person, turning him into Gay Bald Ben

Gay Bald Ben is a clean shaved version of Bald Ben, who also features a head of blonde hair. Gay Bald Ben also crochets as a hobby and has a keen interest in the band steps.

Bald Ben would never admit it, but for the time that he was Gay Bald Ben, he was significantly happier than he was as his normal self, forgetting about his crusade against nice guys online in hopes of a woman finding him attractive as a result, because he had lost all interest in women.

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